本文使用1982年微震台网在漳州地区的实地记录,并结合历年地震资料进行综合分析,以震源机制及微震综合机制解的结果。得出闽南现今构造应力场的基本轮廓。指出: 1、闽南现今构造应力场具有东西分区的特点,其分界线在莆田—诏安断裂带的滨海断裂一带。东部海域地区主压应力轴为东西向,西部内陆地区主压应力轴为南东—北西向。 2、探讨了各区地质断裂的现今活动方式及其力学性质。 3、讨论了闽南内陆众多温泉的分布特征及其与活动断裂的关系,提出在闽南勘探地热资源,应重点研究与解剖东西向南靖—厦门断裂带及北东向莆田—诏安断裂带内的北西向构造。 4、提出了以研究现今构造应力场的方法扩展去探索油、气储构造的设想。
In this paper, we use the microseismic network in 1982 in Zhangzhou area of the field records, combined with historical data to conduct a comprehensive analysis of seismic mechanisms and microseismic synthesis mechanism results. Draw the basic profile of the tectonic stress field in southern Fujian. It is pointed out that: 1, the tectonic stress field in southern Fujian has the characteristics of east and west zoning, and the dividing line lies in the coastal fault of Putian-Zhaoan fault zone. The main compressive stress axis in the eastern sea area is east-west and the main compressive stress axis in the western inland area is south-east-northwest. 2, discusses the current pattern of geological fractures in various districts and their mechanical properties. The distribution characteristics of hot springs in southern Fujian and their relationship with active faults are discussed. It is suggested that geothermal resources exploration in southern Fujian should focus on the study and dissection of east-west Nanjing-Xiamen fault zone and north-east Putian-Zhaoan fault zone North West within the structure. Proposed to explore the current tectonic stress field expansion to explore the oil and gas storage structure of the idea.