Heterogeneous transition dynamic equations and the self-organized origin of the nesting rhythmic bed

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luishifei
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Dynamic equations were developed for heterogeneous phase-transition in a system of coupled nucleation, growth and ripening. Based on these equations, a self-organized origin of small-scale nesting rhythmic beddings in Pahzhihua lithosomes was investigated and the results showed that the beddings could be formed by the cross supersaturated nucleation-crystallization of augite and feldspar successively. This process could be implemented by coupling with supersaturated nucleation, Ostwald ripening, component diffusion and the primary grain diffusion under a proper temperature gradient. The slightly intensive supersaturated nucleation and Ostwald ripening occurring in Panzhihua lithosomes may relate closely to the mineral components such as V-Ti-Maanetite. Based on these equations, a self-organized origin of small-scale nesting rhythmic beddings in Pahzhihua lithosomes was investigated and the results showed that the bedding could be formed by the cross supersaturated nucleation-crystallization of augite and feldspar successively. This process could be implemented by coupling with supersaturated nucleation, Ostwald ripening, component diffusion and the primary grain diffusion under a proper temperature gradient. The slightly intensive supersaturated nucleation and Ostwald ripening occurring in Panzhihua lithosomes may relate closely to the mineral components such as V-Ti-Manetite.
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