,Modified Khaneja-Glaser Decomposition and Realization of Three-Qubit Quantum Gate

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunjuanhuahard
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Optimal implementation of quantum gates is crucial for realization of quantum computation. We slightly modify the Khaneja-Glaser decomposition (KGD) for n-qubits and give a new Cartan subalgbra in the second step of the decomposition. Based on this modified KGD, we investigate the realization of three-qubit logic gate and obtain the result that a general three-qubit quantum logic gate can be implemented using at most 73 one-qubit gates rotations with respect to the y and z axes and 26 GNOT gates.
江西省南康市朱坊乡小学是一所典型的山区农村小学。如何提高小学英语教学质量更是成为了学校亟待解决的难题。  一、现状及问题  1.师资力量弱。朱坊乡共有14所村完小,93个教学班(三年级以上的班级有55个),3546名学生。151名教师,其中英语教师只有9名(中心小学3名,村完小只有6名),因为全乡教师数量总体不足,这9名英语教师除了上55个教学班的英语课以外,还要上语文和数学课。有的村完小还没有英
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