The extension structure of the northern part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was identified in the mid-late 1990s by 1: 50000 tunes. The signature tectonic detachment faults are gentle in shape and have a dip angle of 10 ° ~15 °. During this period, structural rocks such as yellow-white or egg-white micro-breccia, fake basaltic glass and fault mud are developed. The lower plate is composed of Archean metamorphic rocks and Early Cretaceous monzogranites, all of which develop near-horizontal ductile shear zones. Granites are macroscopically layered. The composition of the overlying rocks is relatively complicated. Some of them are the Lower Triassic LiSanGou Formation and the GuYang Formation with structural cleavage zones and high angle normal faults. In some areas, Epoch, Erdaowan rock group and Archean marble, significant ductile deformation was mylonite or tectonic slices in the form of output.