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提出了一种扩大全息激光防护镜防护角的方法:将两块条纹面与介质表面相倾斜的反射全息对称胶合,致使防护角与单片反射全息相比提高了一倍。实验结果表明0.53μm的光在-30°至27°范围内入射时;双斜复合反射全息的光学密度在2.3至3.5之间变化,可见光透过率大于60%。 A method for enlarging the guard angle of a holographic laser protective lens is proposed. Symmetrical gluing of the two striped surfaces tilted with respect to the surface of the medium is symmetrically glued, resulting in a doubling of the guard angle from that of the monolithic reflective hologram. Experimental results show that when the light of 0.53μm is incident within the range of -30 ° to 27 °, the optical density of the double-oblique composite reflective hologram varies from 2.3 to 3.5 and the visible light transmittance is over 60%.
【某年某月·车站】  “旅客朋友们大家好,由远方车站驶出,终点为远方站的列车即将出发。本次列车为单程车,请您携带好回忆与梦想,准备上路。”  【1938·长沙】  这样的春寒料峭之于长沙,之于他,断乎为头一回。  记忆里姜黄浓稠的落日浸泡着鸦青的檐角,风细细软软地裹挟着过早的蝉鸣声入耳,攥着巷口买的麻仁奶糖,挤到戏台下听花鼓咿咿呀呀,看说书人呷口毛尖,一拍醒木惊破残阳。  那时年幼的他最盼望的事情
There were seven lions who were friends to a cow. One day, the lions invited the cow for a meal.  They prepared lots of meat to share with the cow. However the cow could not eat the meat but he remain