
来源 :中国卫生检验杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daisy8598
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目的:了解泰安市一次性卫生用品生产企业的生产环境及产品卫生质量及存在的问题,加强卫生监督管理,为市场提供合格产品。方法:按GB 15979-2002《一次性使用卫生用品卫生标准》对泰安市2006年-2009年一次性卫生用品生产企业的生产环境及产品进行卫生检测。结果:2006年-2009年合计检测1206份样品,合格率为85.90%。2006年-2009年合格率分别为81.38%、85.63%、86.11%、91.87%,呈逐年上升的趋势,差异有统计学意义(P(0.01)。各监测对象的合格率从高到低依次为:产品98.18%、工作台面88.73%、紫外线灯87.50%、工人手82.69%、车间空气77.88%,不同种类样品间合格率的差异有统计学意义(P(0.005)。结论:泰安市一次性卫生用品生产企业的生产环境及产品合格率呈逐年上升趋势,不同种类样品间合格率存在差异,产品卫生质量较好,车间空气卫生质量较差。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the production environment and product hygiene quality and existing problems of Tai’an disposable hygiene products manufacturers, strengthen health supervision and management, and provide qualified products for the market. Methods: According to GB 15979-2002 “Hygienic standard for disposable hygienic products”, the hygienic test was conducted on the production environment and products of disposable hygienic product manufacturers in Tai’an City from 2006 to 2009. Results: From 2006 to 2009, a total of 1206 samples were tested with a pass rate of 85.90%. The passing rates from 2006 to 2009 were 81.38%, 85.63%, 86.11% and 91.87%, respectively, showing a trend of increasing year by year with a statistically significant difference (P (0.01).) The passing rates of all the monitoring objects from high to low were : 98.18% of products, 88.73% of countertops, 87.50% of UV lamps, 82.69% of workers and 77.88% of air in the workshop, and there was a significant difference in passing rate among different types of samples The production environment of the production enterprises and the passing rate of the products showed an upward trend year by year. There was a difference in the passing rate between different types of samples, the hygiene quality of the products was good, and the quality of the air hygiene in the workshops was poor.
一、生平简介及创作特征: 肖邦(Frydery Franciszek Chopin,1810-1849) 波兰音乐家、作曲家、钢琴家。肖邦自幼便具有幽默感、模仿力极强、极富想像力,他敏锐的判断力和逻辑
The new cluster[Mo_4(μ_3-O)_2O_4Cl_2(o-CH_3C_6H_4COO)_6]has been prepared by thereaction of molybdenum pentachloride and o-methylbenzoic acid.The crystal andm