东京2号大豆 该品种生育期100-105天,活动积温2025℃,适于三、四积温带种植,长叶、白花、亚有限结荚习性,株高80-90cm,茎秆粗壮、抗倒伏,每株结荚70-80个,三四粒荚占70%,并有一定数量的五粒荚,高产可达250公斤左右,亩用种5公斤。种子试验示范价每斤6元,100斤以上每斤5元。齐28水稻 品种特征特性:该品种属我省的早熟高产新品种。该品种在我省第三积温带试种表现突出,在直播条件下112-116天成熟。在插秧条件下122-126天(包括育苗天数)成熟。需活动积温为2268℃,与合江19相同,主茎
Tokyo No. 2 Soybean varieties of the growth period of 100-105 days, the active accumulated temperature of 2025 ℃, suitable for three or four plot temperate planting, long leaves, white flowers, sub limited pod habit, plant height 80-90cm, stem sturdy, lodging resistance , Each pod 70-80, 34 pods accounted for 70%, and a certain number of five pods, high yield of up to 250 kg, mu 5 kg. Seed test demonstration price of 6 yuan per catty, 100 catties or more catty 5 yuan. Qi 28 Rice Varieties Characteristics: This variety is a province of early maturity and high yield of new varieties. The variety in the third plot of temperate zone in our province outstanding performance test, live in the conditions of 112-116 days mature. Under transplanting conditions 122-126 days (including seedling days) mature. Activity required temperature is 2268 ℃, and Hejiang 19 the same, the main stem