黑棘皮病为较少见的皮肤病,本院遇及1例,报告如下: 病例报告患者男,53岁。而、颈、腋窝、手及足背皮肤发黑、搔痒一年,于1978年12月就诊。一年前,面颊、颈部肤色变黑褐色,继之双手、双足背、腕、肘窝、乳房、脐窝、外生殖器、腹股沟及肛周皮肤逐渐变黑,表面粗糙,微痒。近月来疲乏、食欲减退。体检:一般状态尚好,营养中等,心肺(一),肝脾未扪及。皮肤科情况z面颊、颈围、腋窝、肘窝、乳房、脐窝、外生殖器、肛周、腹股沟、双手及双足背及腕部皮肤呈棕黑色或黑褐色,皮嵴明显隆起,皮沟加深,表面粗糙,间有针头至粟粒大小疣赘状损害,掌蹠角化过度。舌背面及上颚部粘膜肥厚不平。
Acanthosis nigra is a rare skin disease. There was one case in this hospital and the report was as follows: Case report Male patient, 53 years old. However, the neck, armpits, hands, and back of the feet were blackened and itched for one year. They were treated in December 1978. A year ago, the cheeks and neck became dark brown, followed by hands, feet, wrists, elbow sockets, breasts, umbilical fossa, external genitalia, groin, and perianal skin becoming darker, with a rough, slightly itchy appearance. In recent months, fatigue and loss of appetite have waned. Physical examination: General condition is still good, nutrition is moderate, heart and lungs (a), liver and spleen are not affected. Department of Dermatology z cheeks, neck circumference, armpits, elbow sockets, breasts, umbilical fossa, external genitalia, perianal, groin, hands, and both dorsal and wrist skins are brownish black or dark brown, and dermatome uplift is evident. Deepen, rough surface, with needle-like damage to miliary size, and palmate hyperkeratosis. Hypertrophy of the mucous membranes on the back of the tongue and upper palate.