【摘 要】
2002.09.02 华盛顿既是世人瞩目的政治中心,也是一个美丽的花园城市。这里没有高耸入云的摩天大楼,也没有鱼贯不断的车水马龙,多的是纪念堂、纪念塔、博物馆、广场、铜像、喷
2002.09.02 华盛顿既是世人瞩目的政治中心,也是一个美丽的花园城市。这里没有高耸入云的摩天大楼,也没有鱼贯不断的车水马龙,多的是纪念堂、纪念塔、博物馆、广场、铜像、喷泉,它的庄严静谧与纽约的
2002.09.02 Washington is not only the political center of world attention, but also a beautiful garden city. There is no towering skyscrapers, there is no constant stream of traffic, mostly memorials, monuments, museums, squares, statues, fountains, it’s solemn quiet and New York’s
Horizontal tablets with inscriptions are aunique phenomenon in Chinese architecture.They are more than decorations. A tablet isusually a masterpiece of literatu
Experimental results showed that aerators increase the energy dissipation of the flow in the channel by reducing the velocity coefficient φ in the deflecto
据有关资料记载 ,目前我省农业用水的现状是 :耕地6.47亿hm2(公顷) ,其中4.13亿hm2 为水浇地 ,其中井灌占82 % ,农业年超采地下水30~40亿 (立方米)。由于开采大于补充 ,地下水位已下降20~30m(米) ,全省单眼机
Different helm
Tibet, the major part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is composed of a series of giant mountains, valleys and lakes. Skyscraping peaks and deep rivers isolate the
If Hong Kong resembles a huge departmentstore, then Paris is like a giant museum.Thousands of artists live there and their creativeefforts to generate masterpie
苏区镇是广东省著名的革命老区,是全国唯一以 “苏区”命名的乡镇。现仍保存有血田、紫金县苏维埃政府旧址、红军亭等革命遗址,周恩来、徐向前等老一辈无产阶级革命家在该地挥戈征战的足迹和大量革命文物,是河源市主要红色旅游景点,是市级红色旅游专业镇、省级爱国主义教育基地。蘇区镇凭借着“红色”品牌这张得天独厚的名片,经过多年的不懈努力,在 2015 年被评为广东省名镇。如今的苏区街道已是焕然一新,百姓安居乐业