现代市场营销观念把“顾客至上”作为企业经济活动的实践原则 ,它要求企业的经济活动必须以满足消费者的需求为中心。商品包装在企业市场营销中发挥着重要的作用 ,是企业更好地满足消费者需求和实现企业利润目标的重要手段。现代市场营销观念要求商品包装必须充分反映市场营销伦理道德思想的要求 ,要构建“尊重人”、“诚实信用”、“勤俭节约”和“绿色发展”等商品包装道德规范
The concept of modern marketing, “customer first” as the practice of economic activities of enterprises principles, which requires the economic activities of enterprises must be to meet the needs of consumers as the center. Commodity packaging plays an important role in enterprise marketing and is an important means for enterprises to better meet the needs of consumers and achieve corporate profits. The concept of modern marketing requires that the product packaging must fully reflect the requirements of marketing ethics and morality, and that it is necessary to establish the moral standards of product packaging such as “respect for people”, “honesty and credit”, “diligence and thrift” and “green development”