百尺竿头 更进一步——全国普查中心主任会议在乐山召开

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十月金秋,风和日丽,天府之国喜迎来自祖国各地的与会嘉宾,第二次全国基本单位普查在风景秀丽、环境怡人的乐山市沙湾宾馆举行。国家统计局副局长林贤郁、国家统计局普查中心主任李纲、副主任杨宽宽、乐山市副市长刘强、四川省统计局总统计师胡品生和全国各省区市普查中心主任出席会议。这次会议是在第二次全国基本单位普查接近尾声,第二次全国第三产业普查即将拉开帷幕这样一个承前启后的时间里召开的,通过对前期普查工作的回顾和总结,以便将后期工作做得更好,并争取使第三产业普查有一个良好的开端。 In the autumn of October, the scenery is flourishing, the land of abundance welcomes guests from all parts of the motherland, and the second national census of basic units takes place in the Shawan Hotel in Leshan City, a beautiful and enviable environment. Lin Xiangyu, deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, Li Gang, director of the Census Center of the National Bureau of Statistics, Yang Kuankuan, deputy director, Liu Qiang, vice mayor of Leshan City, Hu Pin Sheng, chief statistician of the Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Statistics, and director of the Census Center of various provinces and municipalities across the country attended the meeting. This meeting was held at the time when the second national census of basic units was coming to a close and the second national industrial survey of the third industry was about to be held. The review and conclusion of the previous census work was made so that the latter part of the work Do a better job and make a good start to the census of the tertiary industry.
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