嗜酒者突然中断饮酒或急骤减少饮用量时随后发生一系列症状与体征称为戒酒综合征或戒断反应,现报告2例: 例1 男性,53岁,患者嗜酒20余年,每日约200克,常有以酒代饭史。入院前4天因上感后停饮一天,次日出现四肢颤抖伴出汗。以“慢性酒精中毒”住院。体查:神志清楚,T37°3C、P86次/分、Bp21.3/12.6kPa,全身不自主抖动,大汗淋漓以头面部为著,易激动,激动时上述症状加重伴说话口齿不
A sudden discontinuation of alcohol consumption or sudden reduction in drinking alcohol consumption is followed by a series of symptoms and signs known as alcohol withdrawal syndrome or withdrawal response, are reported in 2 cases: Example 1 male, 53 years old, patients with alcohol more than 20 years, daily About 200 grams, often with wine generation meal history. Four days before admission due to the sense of stop drinking after a day, the limbs appear the next day shaking with sweating. To “chronic alcoholism” hospitalization. Physical examination: conscious, T37 ° 3C, P86 times / min, Bp21.3 / 12.6kPa, involuntary jitter of the body, sweating to the head and face for the Department, easily excited, agitation, the above symptoms aggravated with speech or displeasure