19世纪中叶,邮品之父罗兰·希尔针对当时英国邮政存在的弊端,倡导邮政改革,经过多次激烈的辩论,英国国会批准了他的改革方案。1840年1月10日,一便士邮资法开始实行,5月6日,黑便士邮票正式使用。均一邮资制的实行和第一枚邮票的问世在世界邮政史上树起一个划时代的里程碑。 为了纪念均一邮资制实行暨黑便士邮票问世50周年,1890年7月2日英国政府在伦敦南肯辛顿博物馆举行盛大的纪念活动,召开纪念会,举办展览会,各
In the mid-19th century, Rowland Hill, the father of philatelic products, advocated postal reform against the shortcomings of the British postal system at that time. After repeated heated debates, the British Parliament approved his reform plan. January 10, 1840, a penny postage law into force, May 6, the official use of penny stamps. The introduction of a uniform postal system and the advent of the first stamp set an epoch-making milestone in the history of world postal services. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the uniform postage system and black penny stamps, the British government held a grand commemorative event at South Kensington Museum in London on July 2, 1890, held a commemorative meeting and held an exhibition