用菠菜、油菜、胡萝卜、甜薯、脱水油菜和脱水胡萝卜进行胡萝卜素吸收试验,人与人之间吸收率的差异性很大。各种蔬菜的平均吸收率如次:菠菜25.5%,油菜36.2%, 胡萝卜27.4%,甜薯19.7%,脱水油菜29.0%,脱水胡萝卜36.7%。 由苜蓿制备的胡萝卜素油剂中胡萝卜素的吸收率平均为43.3%,较所试蔬菜中胡萝卜素的吸收率为高。 每日于膳食中供给食油16克已足够胡萝卜素吸收之需要,增加用油量至48克并不能促进蔬菜中胡萝卜素的吸收。
With spinach, rape, carrot, sweet potato, dehydrated rape and dehydrated carrot carotene absorption test, the absorption rate between people is very different. The average absorption rates of various vegetables are as follows: 25.5% for spinach, 36.2% for rape, 27.4% for carrot, 19.7% for sweet potato, 29.0% for dehydrated rape and 36.7% for dehydrated carrot. The carotene prepared from alfalfa oil had an average absorption rate of 43.3% of carotene, which was higher than the carotene absorption rate of the tested vegetables. Daily supply of 16 grams of edible oil in the diet has been enough to absorb the carotene needs, increasing the amount of oil to 48 grams does not promote the absorption of carotene in vegetables.