法国医师巴彬斯奇(Babinski)于1896年提出此征后,迄今将近90年,但仍是神经系统疾病定位诊断最常用的重要体征之一,也是对各种原因导致昏迷病人的病情观察、预后判断的最简单、灵敏、可靠的征象之一.因此,充分了解此征产生的机制和临床意义有着重要的实际价值. 一、巴彬斯奇征发生机制巴彬斯奇征的出现目前有三种说法: 1.原始反射的再现此种说法认为,巴彬斯奇征是一种原始防御反应,在正常情况下受大脑皮层的阻抑而不出现.但在皮层及锥体束损害时,周围运动神经元失去中枢神经元的抑制而出现巴彬斯奇征.
The French physician Babinski proposed this sign in 1896, nearly 90 years so far, but it is still one of the most commonly used important signs in the localization diagnosis of neurological diseases. It is also an observation of various causes of unconscious patients, Prognosis to determine one of the most simple, sensitive and reliable signs.Therefore, to fully understand the mechanism and clinical significance of this sign has an important practical value.A, Babinski sign mechanismBajnsci sign appears there are three Kind of argument: 1. Reproduction of the original reflection This assertion, Babinski levy is a primitive defensive response, under normal circumstances by the inhibition of the cerebral cortex but not in the cortex and pyramidal tract damage, Peripheral motor neurons lose central neuron depression appear Babbitts syndrome.