宁夏贺兰山区东麓地区位于北纬37°43′~39°23′,东经105°45′~106°47′,为贺兰山东麓冲积扇与黄河冲积平原之间的宽阔地带。南北长200km,东西宽5~30km,土地总面积 2410.7km2。其中适宜栽植葡萄的荒地面积802km2。世养种植葡萄的“黄金地带”是北纬30~50度,贺兰山东麓地区正处在这一纬度之内。1贺兰山东麓气侯土壤条件 该区属中温带干旱气候区,具典型的大陆性气候特点,光能资源丰富,热量适中,干旱少雨,昼夜温差大。年均温8.8℃,最热月气温23.8℃,4~10月有效积温1483.1~1534 9℃,7、8、9月降雨量分别为43.6mm、55.9mm、27.3mm,水热系数分别为0.61、0.83、0.58。无霜期160~170d。该区土地成土母质以冲积物为主,土壤含砾石、砂粒,地形起伏小,以淡灰钙土为主,有机质含量0.4%~1.0%。气候虽干旱(年降雨180~200mm),但多数地区有地下水可利用,也可引黄河水灌溉。不利的因素是冬季寒冷,葡萄需埋土越冬,早、晚霜对葡萄会造成一定
The eastern foot of the Helan Mountain in Ningxia is located at 37 ° 43’-39 ° 23’N and longitude 105 ° 45’~106 ° 47’E, which is a wide area between the alluvial fan at the foot of Helan Mountain and the alluvial plain of the Yellow River. 200km long from north to south, 5 ~ 30km wide from east to west, with a total land area of 2410.7km2. Among them, suitable for grapes planting wasteland area of 802km2. The world’s “golden zone” for planting grapes is between 30 and 50 degrees north latitude. The eastern foot of Helan Mountain is within this latitude. Climate conditions in the eastern foot of Helan Mountain This area is a temperate arid climatic zone with typical continental climate characteristics. It is rich in light energy, moderate in calories, dry in drought and large in temperature difference between day and night. Average annual temperature 8.8 ℃, the hottest month temperature 23.8 ℃, 4 ~ October effective accumulated temperature 1483.1 ~ 1534 9 ℃, July, August and September rainfall were 43.6mm, 55.9mm, 27.3mm, hydrothermal coefficients were 0.61 , 0.83,0.58. Frost-free period 160 ~ 170d. The alluvial soil dominated by alluvial soil mainly contains gravel, sand and undulating terrain. The soil is mainly composed of light gray calcareous soil with organic matter content of 0.4% -1.0%. Although the climate is arid (annual rainfall 180 ~ 200mm), but in most areas there is available groundwater, but also lead the Yellow River water irrigation. Adverse factors are the cold winter, the grapes need to be buried over the winter, morning and evening cream will cause certain grapes