发展杜仲一般采用种子育苗,但采用扦插育苗繁植品质好,经济效益高。现将其扦插育苗技术简介于后。 一、适时扦插。一般以5~6月底扦插为宜,在早晚或阴雨天气进行,株距行距均为8~10厘米,枝条入土3~4厘米。插后即搭荫棚遮荫、保湿,避免插条萎蔫。 二、准备好扦插条。应选健壮幼龄树未木质化的粗壮嫩枝作插
Eucommia seed germination of the general development of the seedlings, but the use of cutting propagation seedlings planted good quality and high economic returns. Now its cutting seedling technology profile in the later. First, timely cutting. Generally 5 to the end of June cutting is appropriate, in the morning and evening or rainy weather, spacing from 8 to 10 cm spacing plants, branches 3 to 4 cm. After the shade that can be inserted shade after shading, moisturizing, to avoid wilting. Second, ready cuttings. Should choose a vigorous young tree is not lignified thick branches for insertion