Estimation of rainfall erosion is essential for the prediction of lamellar erosion and rill erosion, however, there is a lack of data on soil erosion in Iraq and it is not possible to devise a rainfall erosion parameter specifically for that country. Average and annual average rainfall, a rainfall erosion similar to that of a generalized soil loss equation is derived, which is satisfactory as an initial approximation of rainfall erosion in Iraq. World studies show that, with the exception of rainfall factors, with other factors remaining constant , Sheet erosion and rill erosion are proportional to rainfall parameters.The most commonly used rainfall erosion parameters are generalized soil loss equations, which are the product of rainfall momentum (E) and maximum 30 min rain intensity (I 30) (EI_ (30)). In western Africa, the correlation between erosion and the product of heavy rainstorm and maximum rainfall time is better.Another African studies show that the total kinetic energy of rainfall with a rainfall intensity greater than 25 mm / h is related to the amount of soil erosion Well, the erosion factors associated with erosion may be regional, however, to estimate the rainfall erosion factor in a region requires long-term rainfall and soil erosion data as well as repeated experiments and costly fractions , Which is still a problem for most developing countries. The initial rainfall eclipses should be derived from the available rainfall data and I therefore attempt to estimate the amount of rainfall eroded using available meteorological data, which can also be used to assess soil Degradation.