收稿日期:199803151 强震台设置概况龙羊峡水电站坝区断裂构造发育,主要为北西、北北西及南北向3组。经国家地震部门鉴定,坝区基本烈度为8度,根据工程的重要性和水库诱发地震的可能,大坝按9度设防。为掌握坝区场地和坝体结构的地震反应特征,及时给出大?
Received date: 1998 03 151 sets of seismic stations profile Longyangxia hydropower dam fault zone development, mainly North West, North North West and North-South to 3 groups. According to the identification of the national earthquake department, the dam area has a basic intensity of 8 degrees. According to the importance of the project and the possibility of reservoirs inducing earthquakes, the dam is fortified at 9 degrees. In order to grasp the earthquake response characteristics of dam site and dam structure,