一、工厂概况西德恩斯特·温特和桑公司(Ernst Winier & Sohn Co.)有人员1,000人,年产值9000万马克(74年),在意大利、希腊、巴西等地设有分厂。另外,销售部门遍及各大洲。工厂设有技术、销售、财务、人事四个部门,并在汉堡、南德设有二个试验室(一个为滚轮和磨削试验室,一个是石料加工试验室)。产品包括金刚石和CBN(立方氮化硼)磨具、金刚石修正工具及滚轮、以及金刚石车刀等,所使用的金刚石和CBN全部是进口的,主要从南非De Brees和美国GE公司购买。产品规格品种齐全。可以生产最大规格为:
Factory Overview Ernst Winier & Sohn Co. employs 1,000 people and has an annual output of 90 million marks (74 years). It also has branch offices in Italy, Greece and Brazil . In addition, the sales department covers all continents. The factory has four departments of technology, sales, finance and personnel. There are two laboratories in Hamburg and South Germany (one for roller and grinding laboratory and one for stone processing laboratory). Products include diamond and CBN (cubic boron nitride) abrasives, diamond correction tools and rollers, and diamond turning tools. The diamonds and CBN used are all imported, mainly from De Brees, South Africa and GE from the United States. Product specifications variety. The maximum size that can be produced is: