近年来,霉变甘蔗中毒逐渐引起人们重视。本人曾见一例,现报告如下: 高某某,男,6岁,以昏迷、抽风伴频繁呕吐10小时余入院。患儿于进食变质甘蔗半小时突然腹痛,1小时后开始呕吐,共10余次,5小时后昏迷并频繁抽风,抽时双眼上翻,牙关紧闭,口吐白沫,双手握拳,头部阵阵抽动,每次2~8分钟,间隔10~30分钟。发病前后无发热、头痛等症状。无食其他不洁食物之病史。
In recent years, moldy sugarcane poisoning has gradually attracted people’s attention. I have seen an example. My report is as follows: Gao Moumou, male, 6 years old, was admitted to hospital with coma and ventilation with frequent vomiting for 10 hours. Children with sudden abdominal pain half an hour after eating sugarcane, began to vomit after 1 hour, a total of more than 10 times, 5 hours after the coma and frequent ventilation, pumping when the eyes upturned, teeth closed, foaming at the mouth, hands fist, head Bursts of bursts, each 2 to 8 minutes, interval 10 to 30 minutes. Before and after the onset of fever, headache and other symptoms. No other food history of unclean food.