早恋,犹如一股粉红色的冲击波,在当今中学校园中,搅乱了少男少女们平静的心。尝试与探求爱情的大有人在,堕入爱河,造成终生遗恨者也不乏其人。如何在改革开放、市场经济新形势下帮助学生摆脱早恋的羁绊,已成为思想工作中一项刻不容缓的任务。为此,我做了以下几点尝试: 一、有的放矢,加强教育。进入青春期的中学生,随着生理发育成熟,不可避免地会产生对异性的好奇和对爱情的探求。他们生活经
Puppy love is like a pink shock wave. In today’s middle school campus, the calm hearts of boys and girls are disturbed. There are many people trying to find love, falling into love, and there are also people who cause hate for life. How to help students get rid of puppies of puppy love under the new conditions of reform and opening up and market economy has become an undeniable task in ideological work. To this end, I have made the following attempts: 1. Targeting and strengthening education. As adolescent middle school students enter the adolescence, they will inevitably have a curiosity about the opposite sex and a search for love. They live by