Chewing Gum Can Help in Weight Loss, Study Says

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杭州的陈小兰把这篇稿子寄给我们,意欲刊登在“难句会诊”专栏。因为她对文章的第一句(非主题句也)感到莫名其妙。我们觉得本文的信息不乏新意,现将此文刊登在注释读物栏。 语言与文化岂可随便割裂?两者的关系是:你中有我,我中有你,水乳交融一般。陈小兰对文章的首句(Maybe this s why the Doublemint Twins are soskinny.)感到头疼。问题不在文字,而在文化。语言打着文化烙印,其丰润的文化内涵往往不是查阅词典、阅读书籍所能够解决的,需要长期地生活在该语言文化环境之中。陈小兰的问题,我们编辑部也感到头疼,只得求助美国教授。E-mail上午发往美国,下午回音即到! Dorine/Rosemary两教授分别居住在美国的东/西海岸。她们的解答几乎如出一辙。本刊将她们的E-mail附在文后。有兴趣的读者不妨一读,从中也许还可以感受到电视商业广告是何等深入人心! 本文还有一句话的理解值得注意: The effect of chewing gum on weight control,they said,“should not bediscounted.” Discount一词的含义是“打折扣”,翻译时似不宜照译,恐怕只能改译“低估”。 我们向读者推荐此文,并不是为Chewing Gum作广告,也不可能为ChewingGum作广告。因为,文章的末尾写道: But they warned that a person would have to chew e Chen Xiaolan of Hangzhou sent us the manuscript and intended to be published in the column “Consultation of difficult sentences”. Because she felt puzzled about the first sentence (non-subject sentence) of the article. We feel that there is no lack of new ideas in this article. We now publish this article in the commentary column. Language and culture can be easily separated. The relationship between the two is: you have me, I have you, and you are in harmony. Chen Xiaolan has a headache for the first sentence of the article (Maybe this s why the Doublemint Twins are soskinny.). The problem is not in words but in culture. Languages ​​are branded in culture, and their rich cultural connotations are not usually solved by reading a dictionary or reading a book. They need to live in the language and cultural environment for a long time. For Chen Xiaolan’s question, our editorial department also felt a headache and had to ask the US professor. E-mail is sent to the United States in the morning and it will be answered in the afternoon! Professor Dorine/Rosemary lived on the east/west coast of the United States respectively. Their answers are almost exactly the same. This publication attaches their E-mail to the text. Interested readers may wish to read it, from which perhaps we can also feel how deeply TV commercials are deeply rooted! It is noteworthy that there is a word of understanding article: The effect of chewing gum on weight control, they said, “. Should not bediscounted” Discount meaning of the word is “discount” might not be appropriate according to the translation of the translation, I am afraid only change translated “underestimate”. We recommend this article to readers. It is not an advertisement for Chewing Gum, nor is it possible to advertise Chewing Gum. Because at the end of the article it was written: But they warned that a person would have to chew e
下面的一些情况也会产生歧义:1.alone 位于名词或代词之后。有时会产生歧义,需要根据上下文意思来理解。如:Hetravels by car alone.可以有两种理解:He travels only by car
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