去年 1 2月 9日至 1 3日朱基总理到浙江视察工作 ,在调查研究的基础上 ,朱总理对浙江省深化粮食流通体制改革、实现粮食购销市场化作了重要指示。朱总理指出 :从浙江省的粮食供求关系来看 ,可以更快地调整农业经济结构 ,较快地实现粮食购销市场化。粮改“三项政策、一项改革”主要是针对粮食主产区而言的 ,全国还没有放开是因为条件还不具备。从浙江的情况看 ,已经具备了放开的条件 ,而且完全可以在这方面放得宽一点。浙江的土地寸土寸金 ,把粮田腾出来种经济作物、搞水产养殖业 ,效益就更高 ,全国的粮价也能提高。浙江省委省政府多次研究贯彻落实朱总理指示精神 ,并就浙江推进粮食购销市场化改革的实施方案向国务院上报了请示件 ,今年 3月国务院决定浙江从 2 0 0 1年起取消粮食定购 ,实行粮食购销市场化。这是促进浙江经济发展的一项重大战略决策 ,也是全国粮食走向市场化的有益试点。为了配合这一重大战略的实施 ,本刊特邀丁声俊研究员等 5人 ,从专家学者的视角发表对浙江粮食市场化改革的看法与建议 ,以飨读者。
Last year Zhu Bingji visited the inspection work in Zhejiang on February 9 to January 13, and on the basis of the investigation and study, Premier Zhu made important instructions on deepening the reform of the grain circulation system and realizing the marketization of grain in Zhejiang Province. Zhu pointed out: From the perspective of the grain supply and demand in Zhejiang Province, we can adjust the agricultural economic structure more quickly and markete the grain purchasing and marketing faster. The “three policies and one reform” of grain reform are mainly aimed at the major grain-producing areas. The country has not yet let go because the conditions are not yet met. From the situation in Zhejiang, already have the conditions for letting go, and can put a little wider in this regard. The land in Zhejiang is so expensive that the grain fields are vacated to grow cash crops and engage in aquaculture, the benefits are even higher and the grain prices in the whole country can also be raised. Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government repeatedly studied and implemented the spirit of Premier Zhu and reported to the State Council on the implementation plan for the market-based reform of grain purchasing and marketing in Zhejiang Province. In March this year, the State Council decided that cancellation of food orders from Zhejiang will be canceled in 2001 , The implementation of market-oriented purchase and sale of grain. This is a major strategic decision to promote Zhejiang’s economic development and is also a useful pilot for marketization of grain across the country. To tie in with the implementation of this major strategy, this journal has invited 5 researchers, including Ding Shengjun, to express their opinions and suggestions on the reform of grain market in Zhejiang from the perspectives of experts and scholars, in order to readers.