曼谷专电 泰国和美国从8月7日至20日在泰国东部进行了代号为“金色眼镜蛇 87”的联合军事演习。这是泰美两国举行的第六次联合军事演习。两国投入兵力约5000人,各种飞机数十架,是1982年开始以来历届联合演习中规模最大的一次。 泰美“金色眼镜蛇”联合军事演习是美国在东南亚进行的规模最大的军事演习。以从泰柬边境侵入泰国东北部呵叻府及其周围地区的外部敌人为假想敌,按泰柬边境地区的地形特点作模拟作战演习,是这次
Bangkok, Thailand and the United States conducted a joint military exercise codenamed “Golden Cobra 87” in eastern Thailand from August 7 to August 20. This is the sixth joint military exercise held in Thailand and the United States. The two countries have invested about 5,000 troops and dozens of aircraft of all kinds. They are the largest of the previous joint exercises since the beginning of 1982. The joint Thai-United States Golden Cobra military exercise is the largest U.S. military exercise in Southeast Asia. In order to penetrate the outer enemy in Nakhon Ratchasima Province and the surrounding areas in northeastern Thailand from the Thai-Cambodia border as the imaginary enemy, this time as a simulated combat exercise according to the terrain features of the Thai-Cambodia border area