被列为四川省“九五”期间重大工程的鹧鸪山隧道,已由铁道部第二勘测设计院完成初步设计,预计将于2000年动工兴建。 鹧鸪山位于四川省阿坝州境内,属川西高原东北部邛崃山脉。连接阿坝州政府所在地马尔康市与成都市的317国道,是进出阿坝州的唯一运输通道,被称为阿坝州的“黄金通道”和“生命线”。现有317国道在鹧鸪山垭口的海拔标高为4312m,越岭路段38km范围内,地形、地质条件复杂,气候条件恶劣,夏季崩塌、滑坡,冬季冰雪封山,交通受阻,事故频繁发生,且不能常年正常通行,严重制约了当地的经济发展。修建鹧鸪山隧道,车辆进出马尔康将无需再翻越鹧鸪山,运营距离缩短30多公里,可避开许多地质病害,有效地减少冰雪灾害对运输的影响。
The Partridge Mountain Tunnel, classified as a major project during the Ninth Five-Year Plan in Sichuan Province, has been initially designed by the Second Survey and Design Institute of the Ministry of Railways and is expected to start construction in 2000. Partridge Hill is located in Aba Prefecture of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Plateau is a northeastern 邛 崃 mountain range. The 317 national highway linking M’kang City and Chengdu City, where the Aba government is located, is the only transit route to and from Aba Prefecture and is known as the “golden passage” and “lifeline” of Aba Prefecture. The elevation of the existing State Route 317 at the Partridge Mountain Pass is 4312m above sea level and the cross-mountain section is within 38km. Due to the complex topography, complicated geological conditions, harsh climatic conditions, summer collapse, landslides and snow and ice closures in winter, traffic is blocked and accidents frequently occur. Can not be normal passage of time, seriously hampered the local economic development. The construction of Partridge Mountain Tunnel, vehicles entering and leaving Malcolm will no longer need to cross the Partridge Hill, shortening the operating distance more than 30 kilometers, can avoid many geological diseases, effectively reducing the impact of snow disasters on transport.