PVF-DA: Privacy-Preserving, Verifiable and Fault-Tolerant Data Aggregation in MEC

来源 :中国通信(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttklwoyaosha
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As an emergent-architecture, mo-bile edge computing shifts cloud service to the edge of networks. It can satisfy several desir-able characteristics for IoT systems. To reduce communication pressure from IoT devices, data aggregation is a good candidate. Howev-er, data processing in MEC may suffer from many challenges, such as unverifiability of ag-gregated data, privacy-violation and fault-tol-erance. To address these challenges, we pro-pose PVF-DA: privacy-preserving, verifiable and fault-tolerant data aggregation in MEC based on aggregator-oblivious encryption and zero-knowledge-proof. The proposed scheme can not only provide privacy protection of the reported data, but also resist the collusion be-tween MEC server and corrupted IoT devices. Furthermore, the proposed scheme has two outstanding features: verifiability and strong fault-tolerance. Verifiability can make IoT device to verify whether the reported sensing data is correctly aggregated. Strong fault-tol-erance makes the aggregator to compute an aggregate even if one or several IoTs fail to report their data. Finally, the detailed security proofs are shown that the proposed scheme can achieve security and privacy-preservation properties in MEC.
近两年,我国教育界对于项目化学习的理论研究和实践探索均呈现火热趋势。但是,我们也清晰地看到,项目化学习在实施过程中还存在许多误区,面临许多困难。笔者所在的江苏省南京市雨花外国语小学于2016年9月开始开展项目化学习,在三年多的实践中,我们走过一些弯路,也积累了一定的经验。以下笔者仅从项目化学习在实践层面的几个关键问题切入,呈现我们的思考和实践。一、如何进行项目化学习的顶层设计?  项目化学习改变了
The Poisson point process (PPP) has been widely used in wireless network modeling and performance analysis due to the independence between its nodes. Therefore,