Preferential petroleum migration pathways and prediction of petroleum occurrence in sedimentary basi

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lialianing
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The aim of this paper is to review the major points of contention concerning secondary petroleum migration,to discuss the nature and primary controls of the positions of petroleum migration pathways in sedimentary basins,and to illustrate the importance of preferential petroleum migration pathways for the formation of large oil/gas fi elds away from generative kitchens. There is competition between the driving force(buoyancy) and the restraining force(capillary pressure controlled largely by permeability contrast) in controlling the positions of petroleum migration pathways in heterogeneous carrier beds. At a large scale,there is a critical angle of dip of the carrier beds which determines the relative importance of structural morphology or permeability contrasts in controlling the positions of petroleum migration pathways in heterogeneous carrier beds. Maximum-driving-force-controlled migration pathways occur in carrier beds with an angle of dip greater than the critical dip and the positions of petroleum migration pathways are controlled mainly by the morphology of the sealing surfaces. Minimum-restraining-force-determined migration pathways occur in carrier beds with an angle of dip smaller than the critical angle where permeability contrasts would exert a more important influence on the positions of petroleum migration pathways. Preferential petroleum migration pathways(PPMP) ,defi ned as very restricted portions of carrier-beds that focus or concentrate petroleum from a large area of the generative kitchen,determine the distribution of oil and gas in sedimentary basins. The focusing of petroleum originating from a large area of the generative kitchens into restricted channels seems to be essential not only for long-range petroleum migration in hydrostatic conditions,but also for the formation of large oil or gas fi elds. Regions may miss out on petroleum migration because of its three-dimensional behavior,and two-dimensional migration modeling may be misleading in predicting petroleum occurrences in certain circumstances. The aim of this paper is to review the major points of contention concerning secondary petroleum migration, to discuss the nature and primary controls of the positions of petroleum migration pathways in sedimentary basins, and to illustrate the importance of preferential petroleum migration pathways for the formation of large oil / gas fi elds away from generative kitchens. There is competition between the driving force (buoyancy) and the restraining force (capillary pressure controlled largely by permeability contrast) in controlling the positions of petroleum migration pathways in heterogeneous carrier beds. At a large scale, there is a critical angle of dip of the carrier beds which determines the relative importance of structural morphology or permeability contrasts in controlling the positions of petroleum migration pathways in heterogeneous carrier beds. Maximum-driving-force-controlled migration pathways occur in carrier beds with an angle of dip greater than the critical dip and the p ositions of petroleum migration pathways are controlled mainly by the morphology of the sealing surfaces. Minimum-restraining-force-determined migration pathways occur in carrier beds with an angle of dip smaller than the critical angle where permeability contrast would would exert a more important influence on the Preferential petroleum migration pathways (PPMP), defi ned as very restricted portions of carrier-beds that focus or concentrate petroleum from a large area of ​​the generative kitchen, determine the distribution of oil and gas in sedimentary basins. focusing of petroleum originating from a large area of ​​the generative kitchens into restricted channels seems to be essential not only for long-range petroleum migration in hydrostatic conditions, but also for the formation of large oil or gas fi elds. Regions may miss out on petroleum migration because of its three-dimensional behavior, and two-dimensional migration modeling may be misleadingin predicting petroleum occurrences in certain circumstances.
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