全国给水排水技术情报网(以下简称全国水网)本届理事会组建于1997年,按照全国网章程,每届任期4年,早已经到了换届年限,但由于种种原因除对个别人员进行调整外,一直没有换届。鉴于全国水网挂靠单位机构调整和一些理事单位人员变动的情况; 为了完善情报网组织机构,继续搞好情报网工作,经过半年多的筹备工作,今天在这里召开全国水网换届大会,下面我把本届理事会的工作情况向各位汇报如下。分两个方面: 一方面汇报过去完成的主要工作,第二方面是汇报存在的问题和今后的设想。这里要说明一点,因本人对情况不是非常了解,有讲的不全和不对的地方请大家提出宝贵意见。
National Water Supply and Drainage Technology Information Network (hereinafter referred to as the national water network) This Council was established in 1997, according to the national network charter, each term of 4 years, has already reached the general term, but due to various reasons in addition to individual adjustments , Has not changed. In view of the adjustment of the units affiliated to the water network in China and the changes of personnel in some directors and units, in order to improve the intelligence network organization and continue to do a good job in the information network, after more than six months of preparatory work, We report the work of this Council to you as follows. Divided into two aspects: on the one hand to report the main work done in the past, the second is to report on existing problems and future scenarios. Here to explain that because I am not very understanding of the situation, there are incomplete and wrong place to ask everyone for their valuable advice.