图书馆办的宣传性、教育性的报纸称为馆报。在日本,几乎所有图书馆都有馆报。在我国,随着图书馆由单一的文献服务,向信息、文献服务并重的转变,馆报也日渐增多。但师专图书馆办馆报的却很少。师专图书馆有无必要办馆报,馆报的内容和办馆报的办法是什么呢? 一、师专图书馆办馆报的必要性(一)是自我宣传的需要图书馆要吸引读者,需要不断地向读者宣传图书馆的职能、馆藏文献信息、动态等。目前多
Library of propaganda, educational newspaper called the library newspaper. In Japan, almost all libraries have a museum newspaper. In our country, as the library changes from a single document service to an equal emphasis on information and document service, it is also increasing. However, there are few reports from teachers’ college libraries. What is the need for college library to report, the contents of the museum newspaper and newspaper office What is the way? First, the need for college library newspaper (a) is the need for self-propaganda library to attract readers , Need to keep the readers publicity library functions, collection of literature information, dynamic and so on. Currently more