基于我国2007年水泥熟料全口径4 305家企业的能源消耗数据,分析了我国熟料生产企业的能耗特征,结论是企业分散,生产规模小(15.12×104 t/a),单位熟料能耗高(0.14 tce/t)。通过聚类分析,将熟料企业分为4类,提出小型企业是我国节能降耗和淘汰、重组与整合的重点。如果到2020年,全部淘汰小型企业和中型企业,则可以比基准情景节能0.19亿t标煤。
Based on the energy consumption data of 4 305 cement clinker of China in 2007, the energy consumption characteristics of clinker production enterprises in China are analyzed. The conclusions are that the enterprises are scattered, the production scale is small (15.12 × 104 t / a), unit clinker High energy consumption (0.14 tce / t). According to the cluster analysis, the clinker enterprises are divided into four categories. It is proposed that small-scale enterprises should focus on saving energy, reducing consumption and eliminating, reorganizing and integrating in China. If all small and medium-sized enterprises are phased out by 2020, they will be able to save 19 million tons of standard coal compared to the baseline scenario.