美国科学院最近发表了一份题为《联邦对科学技术的资金分配》的政策报告,对美国科学技术目前面临的迫切问题提出了评论与建议。这篇报告是美国科学院受克林顿政府的委托组织了一个由其前院长弗兰克·普勒斯主持的专门委员会起草的。委员会成员包括了一批资深政治家以及科学和工业界的代表人物。 报告首先对美国科学的财政资助前景作出了阴暗的评价。它指出去年联邦的研究开发资助已比前年下降了20亿美元。而且目前还在作“更大的削减”,而“对联邦的可自由支配开支的压力则可能导致今后几年的更进一步削减。” 那么在目前的财政紧缩的情况下如何维持美国的科学研究工作?普勒斯及其同僚提出了一系列思想观点,但“除了对财政状况表示悲观外并没有什么获取收益的惊天动地的新思维”。主要思想包括:
The American Academy of Sciences recently published a policy report entitled “Contribution of the Federal Government to the Allocation of Science and Technology” and made comments and suggestions on pressing issues facing science and technology in the United States. This report was drafted by the American Academy of Sciences, commissioned by the Clinton administration, under the auspices of a special committee chaired by its former president, Frank Price. The committee includes a group of senior politicians and representatives of science and industry. The report begins with a gloomy assessment of the future of U.S. science funding. It pointed out that federal funding for research and development fell by more than $ 2 billion over the previous year last year. And is still “making bigger cuts,” while “pressure on the federal discretionary spending could lead to further cuts in the coming years.” So how can the United States sustain its scientific research in the current fiscal austerity Working Mr./Plus and his colleagues have come up with a series of ideas, but “there is no earth-shattering new mindset that yields anything but pessimism about the fiscal position.” The main ideas include: