一、方药组成:雄黄50克,郁金6克,巴豆25粒。二、制法及用法:先将雄黄,郁金各研极细末,再将巴豆捣烂放纸中压去油,制成巴豆霜。再把三味药研末混合,醋糊为丸如绿豆大,每服1.5克,开水送下,小儿酌减。三、适应证:喉风,喉痈,乳蛾,白喉等证见二便不通,痰延壅盛,咽喉肿胀等属于实热证者。四、病例 (一)范××,男,25岁,农民,1978年7月3日初诊。主诉:头痛身疼,咽喉肿痛已五天,大便三天未通。经检查,患者左侧喉核处肿胀
First, the prescription consists of 50 grams of realgar, 6 grams of turmeric, and 25 crotons. Second, the system of law and usage: first realgar, turmeric all the research is very fine, and then put the croton smashed paper pressure in the oil to make croton cream. Then mix the three flavors of the powder into powder. The vinegar paste is made up of pills such as mung bean. Each serving is 1.5 grams. The water is sent down and the children reduce it. Third, the indications: laryngeal wind, throat, milk moth, diphtheria and other cards to see two will not work, delay Yan Sheng, throat swelling and other are real heat syndrome. IV. Cases (1) Fan X, male, 25 years old, farmer, newly diagnosed on July 3, 1978. Chief Complaint: Headache, sore throat, swelling and pain for five days, three days without stool. After examination, the patient’s left larynx swelling