Nonlinear analysis of the alcoholic's EEG

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzp901124
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The nonlinear analysis is used to study the EEGs of the alcoholic and the control. Three kinds of expansions are discussed in order to get a more proper delay and then Liangyue Cao algorithm is implemented efficiently. Totally, there are 40 subjects involved in this study and the average values and the sample variances of D2s are computed. The results show that the average value of D2s of the alcoholic is larger than that of the control when the same electrode was used, which means that the brain dynamics of the alcoholic is more complex than that of the control. On the other hand, for most of the electrodes, the sample variance of D2s of the alcoholic is larger than that of the control, suggesting that the brain dynamics of the alcoholic is less steady. The nonlinear analysis is used to study the EEGs of the alcoholic and the control. Three kinds of expansions are discussed in order to get a more proper delay and then Liangyue Cao algorithm isimal efficiently. Totally, there are 40 subjects involved in this study and the average values ​​and the sample variances of D2s are computed. The results show that the average value of D2s of the alcoholic is larger than that of the control of the same electrode was used, which means that the brain dynamics of the alcoholic is more complex than that of the control. On the other hand, for most of the electrodes, the sample variance of D2s of the alcoholic is larger than that of the control, suggesting that the brain dynamics of the alcoholic is less steady.
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