
来源 :当代矿工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssskstar
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一个有着百年开采历史、资源枯竭的衰老矿区,在千帆竞发、百舸争流的发展大潮中,紧紧抓住西部大开发、煤炭市场好转这个千载难逢的机遇,在不到3年的时间,成为一个朝气蓬勃、卓尔不群的国有大型煤电企业,与2002年同期相比,其煤炭产量增长了43.1%,创造了安全生产500多天的记录,去年百万吨死亡率为0.47,达到全国先进水平,工业总产值增长了51.7%,电力增长16%,水泥增长39.74%,铁路煤炭销售量增长33.85%,煤炭地销量提高了279.27%,销售收入提高了59.71%,职工收入提高了23.97%,提前一年实现了翻番目标,使蒲白矿务局再次焕发了青春,产生了前所未有的活力,多项经济指标均创下历史最好水平,两个文明建设取得了新的成绩,企业进入了最好的发展时期,是陕西煤炭行业的首家改制企业,学习的样板,引来全国和省内近百家企业和单位前去参观学习,指导工作。而这个使昨日衰老矿区能够走向今天现代化建设之路的首席“行政长官”,就是赫赫有名的陕西省优秀青年企业家、渭南市人大代表、蒲白矿务局局长宋老虎。 An aging mining area with a hundred-year history of mining and resource depletion, in the midst of the development of thousands of sails and the development of a hundred boats, has seized the golden opportunity of the great development of the western region and the improvement of the coal market in less than three years. It has become a vibrant, state-owned large-scale coal-fired power company. Compared with the same period in 2002, its coal production has increased by 43.1%, creating a record of more than 500 days of safe production. Last year, the death rate per million tons was 0.47, reaching the national advanced level. At the same level, the industrial output value increased by 51.7%, electricity growth by 16%, cement growth by 39.74%, railway coal sales by 33.85%, coal sales by 279.27%, sales revenue by 59.71%, and employee income increased by 23.97%. One year ahead of schedule, the Pubai Mining Bureau has rejuvenated its youth and created unprecedented vitality. Many economic indicators have set the best level in history. The two civilizations have achieved new results and the company has entered the most The good development period was the first reformed enterprise in the coal industry in Shaanxi Province. The model of learning has attracted nearly 100 enterprises and units from across the country and the province to visit and study. The chief “Chief Executive Officer” who made yesterday’s aging mines move toward today’s modernization is the famous young entrepreneur from Shaanxi Province, the representative of the People’s Congress of Weinan City, and the director of the Pubai Mining Bureau, Song Tiger.
1 事故经过rn1999年8月,河北省邯郸县刘朱庄支线4号柱上油开关,因开关负荷侧所带用户线路出现高压短路故障而引起跳闸.该乡电管站人员接报后迅速到位,经过查找,找到了故障点