随着工农业生产的飞跃发展,我县教育事业在上级党委的正确领导下,也一日千里地突飞猛进。现在全县小学在校学生已达150,533人,入园幼儿26,675人,公办中学学生7,095人,农业中学3,978人,初等和中等业余学校学员28万人。教师队伍也空前壮大了,我县现在有小学教师3,881人,比1950年增加了43. 8%,中学教师357人,比1950年增加了15. 2倍。
With the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production, the education of our county under the correct leadership of the higher Party committee has also been making rapid progress. At present, there are 150,533 students in elementary schools in the county, 26,675 children in kindergarten, 7,095 students in public high schools, 3,978 in agricultural middle schools, and 280,000 students in elementary and secondary school. The number of teachers has also grown stronger. My county now has 3,881 primary school teachers, an increase of 43.8% over 1950, and 357 secondary school teachers, an increase of 15.2 times over 1950.