Design and Properties of Fluoroelastomer Composites via Incorporation of MWCNTs with Varied Modifica

来源 :高分子科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hms0741
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Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) modified with silane coupling agent A-1120 (MWCNTs-A1120) were prepared.Compared with the raw MWCNTs,acidified MWCNTs (MWCNTs-COOH),and MWCNTs grafted with EDA (MWCNTs-NH2),MWCNTs-A1120 have the best dispersion in fluoroelastomer at the same doping ratio.Therefore,fluoroelastomer/MWCNTs-A1120 composite has the best mechanical properties with tensile strength of 13.92 MPa and elongation at break of 111.78%.Then,the effects of doping amount of MWCNTs-A1120 on the electrical properties of the composites were investigated.The dielectric constant of the composite increases with the increase of MWCNTs-A1120,and the dielectric loss does not change much at the low doping amount such as 0.5 wt%.When the doping amount of MWCNTs-A1120 is 5 wt%,the dielectric constant and the dielectric loss value are greatly increased,and the volume resistivity is greatly decreased,which proves that the conductive network is formed in the composite,so the filling amount of 5 wt% is the percolation threshold.The tensile deformation of the sample also affects the electrical properties of the composites.As the tensile deformation increases,the dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the composite decrease.For the composite with 5 wt% MWCNTs-A1 120,excessive tensile deformation will destroy the conductive network structure of the composite,so the composite will change from conductive material to dielectric material.Therefore,such composite is a good candidate for flexible conductive material or flexible dielectric material used in harsh environments such as high temperatures and various aggressive solvents.
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