在日常饮食中寻找“降脂药”,是中老年人预防和治疗高脂血症的最佳选择,究竟哪些食品具有降血脂作用呢? 洋葱不仅具有降血脂作用,而且长期食用可预防动脉粥样硬化;大蒜既能降低血液中胆固醇的含量,又能升高对人体有益的高密度脂蛋白;茄子中的某些成分能与胆固醇结合,将其排出体外;海带中含有丰富的牛磺酸和褐藻酸,可降低血液及胆汁中的胆固醇,还可抑制体内对胆固醇的吸收,促进其排泄;玉米中含有丰富的钙、镁、硒等矿物质和大量的
Looking for “lipid-lowering drugs” in daily diet is the best choice for the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia in middle-aged and elderly people. Which foods have the function of lowering blood fat? Onions not only have the function of lowering blood fat, but also long-term consumption can prevent atherosclerosis Like sclerosis; garlic can reduce blood cholesterol levels, but also increase the beneficial high-density lipoprotein on the human body; some ingredients of eggplant with cholesterol, its excreted; kelp is rich in taurine And alginic acid, can reduce cholesterol in blood and bile, but also inhibit the body’s absorption of cholesterol, promote its excretion; corn is rich in calcium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals and a large number of