同德县于 1991年在北巴滩地区从喜马拉雅旱獭体内分离出 2株鼠疫菌 ,因此该县被判定为鼠疫自然疫源县。此次鼠疫患者感染地点乎角沟东和北面均为邻县喜马拉雅旱獭自然疫源地 ,此地区内旱獭分布面广 ,密度高 ,同时该地区内的其它啮齿类动物分布和密度也较高 ,近年来 ,当地牧民多
Two Y. pestis isolates were isolated from the Himalayan marmot in Tongba County in 1991 in Baode County. Therefore, the county was declared a natural plague origin of plague. The plague patients infected almost all corners of the corner ditch East and North are neighboring natural Himalayan Marmot natural foci, marmot widely distributed in this area, high density, and other rodents in the area distribution and density are higher, In recent years, many local herders