透过钢条封锁的窗口望苍穹,漆黑一片。月牙与星辰都躲进了严冬的帷幕。又是一阵撼动灵魂的颤栗,他感到袭人的寒气正从脚底浸上背脊漫过头顶,生命已到尽头这一现实很残酷地定格在他的脑海。刑期将至,那声撕心裂肺的枪响,仿佛随时会击碎他那衰弱得不能再衰弱的中枢神经。要知道,自己刚刚在监狱中度过60岁生日啊!这是一个本该享受天伦之乐的年龄,而他却永远失去了这一缘份。 今天的结局是他始料未及的。此刻,他突然想起前不久看过的电影《新中国第一案》,当刘青山与张子善这两位当年为人民打江山的“红小鬼”又被人民推上历史审判台的时候,他心悸了一阵子,但他庆幸自己比他们略高一畴。岂料,他今天的结局与刘、张当年的归宿完全相同。
Block the window through the bars looking at the sky, darkness. Crescent and stars are hiding in the curtain of the winter. It was another shaking of the souls that shaken his soul. He felt the chill of being attacked from the soles of his feet over his spine and over his head. The reality that his life was over was cruel to his mind. Sentence will come to an end, that sound piercing gunshots, as if at any time will crush his weakness can no longer weak central nervous system. You know, I just spent the 60th birthday in prison! This is an age that should have enjoyed his grandchildren, but he has forever lost this fate. Today’s ending is unexpected. At the moment, he suddenly remembered the movie “New China First Case” read shortly before. When Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan, two “red devils” who attacked the people in that year, were pushed by people onto the historical trial platform, he was palpitated For a while, but fortunately he was slightly higher than them. Unexpectedly, his end today and Liu, Zhang exactly the same destination.