英达出名,首先是作为演员的英达。在《围城》、《爱你没商量》等电视剧中的精彩表演,使英达一举成名。即便后来不当专业演员,偶而在贺岁片《甲方乙方》中客串一个梦想当巴顿将军的书商,一出场也浑身是戏,令人叫绝。 再度出名,是作为导演的英达。他的处女作《我爱我家》让中国观众第
Indah is famous, first of all, Indah as an actor. In the “siege”, “I love you did not discuss” and other television series in the wonderful performances, make Indah fame. Even later, improper professional actors, and occasionally in the New Year film “Party A Party B” in a guest dream of General Barton booksellers, a play also covered the whole show, it is absolutely amazing. Once again famous, as the director Indah. His debut “I love my family,” let the Chinese audience first