
来源 :中国建筑史论汇刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pyking2003
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本文通过对日本建筑学者伊东忠太(1867—1954年)的学术生涯与著作的分析,探讨了中国建筑史这一学科领域在其初创时期的知识与政治环境及其对中国建筑史基本叙事结构之形成的影响。作者力图说明,中国建筑早期文献中对唐代及唐以前建筑的推崇和强调,是19世纪末20世纪初发生在东亚的权力转移的结果,即中国的衰落与日本的崛起。文章通过对伊东氏主要学术著作文本和图像的研究,揭示了《中国建筑史》~①与《中国建筑装饰》~②两部专著在写作方法上的不一致——前者用历史学方法而后者用人类学方法——以及这种差异背后所隐含的政治动机。这一差异也反映出日本殖民主义中深层的文化矛盾。而伊东氏的《法隆寺》一书则从学术领域完成了东亚的精神传统从中国向日本的历史转换。 Based on the analysis of the academic career and writings of Japanese architect Itoh Tate (1867-1954), this article explores the knowledge and political environment in the discipline of Chinese architectural history during its infancy and its basic narrative structure of Chinese architectural history The formation of the impact. The author seeks to show that the esteem and emphasis on early Tang and pre-Tang buildings in early Chinese architecture was the result of the shift of power that took place in East Asia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, namely, the decline of China and the rise of Japan. Through the study of the main texts and images of Ito's academic works, the article reveals inconsistencies in the writing methods of “Chinese architectural history” ~ ① and “Chinese architectural decoration” ~ ② monographs - the former uses the historical method while the latter Use anthropological methods - and the underlying political motivations behind this difference. This difference also reflects the deep cultural contradictions in Japanese colonialism. And Ito's “Horyu-ji Temple,” a book from the academic field completed the spiritual tradition of East Asia from China to Japan's historical shift.
【内容摘要】企业文化是企业管理的哲学。企业文化是在企业管理实践中随着生产力发展而逐渐形成的思想意识形态,是员工思想状态、精神面貌的外在反映。企业发展的持续动力及其核心竞争力,须臾离不开企业文化。创造具有中国特色的社会主义企业文化,广大国企就充满生机活力和核心竞争力。  【关 键 词】企业文化 执行力 竞争力  一、企业文化的内涵与软实力  1.企业文化是企业在长期生产、经营、建设、发展过程中所形成