结节病(Sarcoidosis)是病因尚未明确的非干酪性肉芽肿病变。虽然本病可累及全身多个系统,但以胸内结节病(Intrathoracic sar-coidosis)多见。Daniele曾收集11个城市3676例结节病患者,以肺或/及胸内淋巴组织受累最多,占90%。根据第七次结节病国际会议拟定的标准:(1)有结节病典型的临床表现和放射线学征象,如双侧肺门淋巴结肿大和肺实质浸润,皮肤常有结节性红斑和表浅淋巴结肿大,眼睛常伴有葡萄膜炎,尤以虹膜睫状体炎为多见;(2)组织活检符合结节病的病理改变;(3)Kveim试验阳性;(4)高免疫球蛋白
Sarcoidosis is a non-cheese granulomatous lesion whose etiology has not yet been established. Although the disease can affect multiple systems throughout the body, but intrathoracic sarcoidosis (Intrathoracic sar-coidosis) more common. Daniele has collected 3676 cases of sarcoidosis in 11 cities, most affected by lymphoid tissue in the lungs and / or the thymus, accounting for 90%. According to the Seventh International Conference on Sarcomatis proposed standard: (1) a typical clinical manifestations of sarcoidosis and radiological signs, such as bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and pulmonary infiltrates, the skin often have nodular erythema and the table (2) tissue biopsy in line with the pathological changes of sarcoidosis; (3) Kveim test was positive; (4) high immunoglobulin protein