●日本动漫消费人群的平均年龄是32岁,臻于“全民动漫”的水平,所以动漫业才成为日本国民经济的第二大支柱产业,超过了日本扬名世界的唱片业,仅次于旅游业。●韩国人在网络卡通上另辟蹊径,一部被年轻人津津乐道的13集 Flash 动画短片《流氓兔》,创收1200亿韩元,竟然占有韩国卡通市场的21%,而百年老店迪斯尼的所有卡通形象加在一起的市场占有量才到10%。●一个几分钟长度的 Flash 动画片,常常只有1~2兆。●全球至少有3.6亿人在电脑里安装了 Flash 软件,这就难怪 Flash 动画一经推出便风靡网络世界。
● The average age of the Japanese animation consumer group is 32, reaching the level of “national animation”, so the animation industry has become the second pillar industry of Japan’s national economy, surpassing Japan’s famous world record industry, second only to Tourism. ● Koreans opened up new avenues in network cartoons, a 13-episode flash animated short film “Masturbation Rabbit” relished by young people, earning 120 billion won, even accounting for 21% of the Korean cartoon market, while all cartoon of the century-old Disney The market share of the image together to only 10%. ● a few minutes of Flash animation, often only 1 ~ 2 trillion. ● At least 360 million people around the world have installed Flash software on their computers. No wonder Flash animation has become a hit on the Web.