As the number of environmental violations continues to grow, the principle of tort liability changes. The strict liability principle in Anglo-American law, the principle of presumption of fault in French law, the dangerous liability in German law and the principle of no-fault liability in our law all are the result of such changes. The establishment of these imputation principles has facilitated the reasonable handling of environmental infringement cases and provided institutional guarantees for the protection of the victims of environmental violations. The changing course of the principle of imputation of Japanese law typically reflects this trend of change. However, these principles of liability, which better meet the requirements of environmental victims than the principle of fault liability, do not have the effect of effectively protecting the environment. Because the interests of the victims do not equal the environmental interests, the principle of attributing effective protection of the interests of the victims does not necessarily have the power to effectively protect the environment. The application of the principle of no-fault liability may result in an increase in production costs for the enterprise, but this increase is not sufficient to prevent it from continuing to engage in activities that are harmful to the environment.