内蒙古准格尔旗分布有 3 2个国有煤矿和 3 0 2个个体小煤窑 ,煤炭开采及公路、铁路等基础设施建设 ,使本已脆弱的生态环境急剧恶化 ,水土流失加剧。为此 ,加强了宣传教育和对水保方案的编报审批 ,坚持对开发建设项目进行跟踪监管 ,狠抓恢复治理示范工程建设。截至 1999年底 ,共审批水保方案 42 4项 ,完成恢复治理示范工程面积 47 4km2
There are 32 state-owned coal mines and 302 individual small coal mines distributed in Zhungeerqi, Inner Mongolia. Coal mining and construction of infrastructure such as highways and railways have drastically worsened the already fragile ecological environment and exacerbated water and soil erosion. To this end, publicity and education have been stepped up and the compilation and approval of the plan for soil and water conservation has been stepped up. The development and construction projects have been insisted on and monitored, and the construction of demonstration projects for restoration and treatment has been paid close attention to. As of the end of 1999, a total of 42 4 water conservation projects were approved, and an area of 47 4km2