新疆地域辽阔,土壤等自然资源丰富,但交通不便,不少地区为盐碱滩和沙漠戈壁所阻,地面调查困难,因此利用航片绘制土壤及其它专业图件是一种多快好省的方法。下面介绍利用航片编绘土壤图的具体方法。 一、调查前的准备工作 1.收集调查地区的地形图(根据需要选择1/5万、1/10万或1/20万等)以及相应的航片,了解航片的航摄资料(航片比例尺,航摄年、月、日、天气和航片锒辑复照图)。 2.对所收集的航片,按航线分幅清理。
Xinjiang has a vast territory and rich natural resources such as soil. However, traffic is inconvenient. In many areas, it is blocked by saline-alkali beaches and the desert Gobi. It is difficult to conduct ground surveys. Therefore, the use of aerial photographs to draw soil and other professional maps is a fast and easy province method. The following describes the use of aerial photos compilation of soil map specific methods. I. Preparations for the Survey 1. Collect the topographic maps of the surveyed areas (select 1/50000, 1/100000 or 1/200000, etc. as needed) and the corresponding aerial photographs to understand the aerial photographs of the aerial photographs Film scale, aerial photography year, month, day, weather and aerial photos 锒 edit photos). 2. The collection of aerial photos, according to route clearance.