一项最新的医学研究表明 ,想减肥或不想得心脏病的话 ,就一定要控制好自己的脾气 ,少发火。研究人员首先将动物油或植物油注入心情平静的人体内 ,然后发现注入人体内的脂肪以每分钟 3.2 %的速度离开血液 ,经消化后排出体外。但当研究人员让所有试验对象拼写单词或做几道减法运
A new medical study shows that if you want to lose weight or do not want to have a heart attack, you must take good control of your temper and avoid getting angry. The researchers first injected animal or vegetable oils into a calm human body and found that the fat injected into the body left the blood at a rate of 3.2% per minute and was digested and excreted. But when the researchers asked all subjects to spell the word or do a few subtractions