经济记者常和数字打交道。但是,一个孤立的数字不能说明任何向题。数字都是在比较中运用的。所以,运用数字的艺术,就是比较的艺术。正确的比较,数字背后的种种社会奥妙就显现出来,会使我们发现真理;错误的比较,会得出荒谬的结论。几种比较方式在我的工作实践中,经常采用以下的比较方式: 将局部数字和总体数字作比较,看“量变”的程度,从而判断事物的性质。例如: 某柴油机厂过去钢材全部由国家按平价调拨,去年由企业自己在市场上采购8000吨;过去柴油机全部由国家包销,去年自销4000台。仅仅这两个数字很难
Economic reporters often deal with numbers. However, an isolated number does not indicate any problem. The figures are used in comparison. Therefore, the use of digital art is the art of comparison. Correct comparisons of various social mysteries behind the numbers will reveal the truth; wrong comparisons lead to absurd conclusions. Several ways of comparison In my work practice, the following comparisons are often used: comparing the local numbers with the overall numbers and looking at the degree of “quantitative change” to judge the nature of things. For example: a diesel engine plant in the past all the steel by the state according to the parity transfer last year by the enterprises themselves in the market to purchase 8,000 tons; in the past all the diesel engine by the state underwriting 4,000 last year. Just these two numbers are hard