目的 探索学生半年眼屈光度变化与近视眼发病规律。方法 对708 名学生眼屈光度与近视眼发病情况进行了追踪调查。结果 6 ~14 岁学生各年龄组段眼屈光度半年下降均值为0-282D~0-465D,其中远视屈光度下降均值为+ 0-122D~+ 0-397D。学生在6 岁时已有近视眼发生,6 ~14 岁学生近视眼新发病率为4-44 % ~23-96 % ( P< 0-01) 。有近视眼家族史的学生近视眼新发病率出现高峰年龄为8 岁,无家族史者为10 岁。学生远视屈光度逐渐下降,下降幅度随年龄组段的递增而减少。学生近视眼新发病率随年龄组段递增而上升,有近视眼家族史的学生发病高峰年龄比无近视眼家族史者提前2 岁。结论 远视屈光度下降幅度大小可作为预测学生近视眼发生与否的重要参数。
Objective To explore the change of pupil diopter and the incidence of myopia in half a year. Methods 708 students pupil diopter and the incidence of myopia were investigated. Results The mean decrease of refractive power of all age groups from 6 to 14 years old was 0-282D ~ 0-465D, and the decline of hyperopia was + 0-122D ~ + 0-397D. Students have had myopia at the age of 6, and new onset rates of myopes in 4- to 14-year-old students ranged from 4-44% to 23-96% (P <0-01). Myopia students with a family history of myopia had a peak age of 8 years and a family history of 10 years. The farsightedness of students decreased gradually, and the decreasing rate decreased with the increase of age group. The new incidence of myopia students increased with age group increased, the incidence of myopia family history peak age than those without family history of myopia 2 years in advance. Conclusion The magnitude of myopia diopter decrease can be used as an important parameter to predict the occurrence of myopia in students.